الأحد، 21 يوليو 2013

Patric Chan

To become a successful blogger or writer, content is a priority.
There are lots of bloggers who failed to keep their consistency in developing content in their blog. This problem also known as ‘writers block’.
They stuck, and they think they need more time to plan their next blogpost.
In one part, I do agree with this. Some writers need time to generate blogpost ideas. However, there is a way to overcome this problem without consuming too much time.
This is what I’m going to share with you. This idea comes from an e-book that I just read from Patric Chan.
Stop, who is he?

Patric Chan – Internationally-known Internet Marketing Expert

He is one of my idol in building Internet business empire. Patric Chan experienced in online marketing since 2003. He is also wrote some books that achieved best-seller status.
He is very popular on self-development niche. Where he cooperate with top people in the industries and produce lots of information products (e-book, online course, and many more) that has changed people lives.
Patric also have his own personal blog. You can learn Internet marketing from him here.
Most importantly, he lives in Malaysia.
In his latest free e-book called ‘How to Get Blog Readers’, he presented lots of good ideas for bloggers who really want to solve their writers block problem. I’m going to share it with you.
Let’s get on it.
#1 – Go to Community Sites
Also known as forums.
Forums is a good place for you to find blogpost ideas. Because there are a lots of question asked by the community. You can use it to write your next blogpost.
For example, if I visit weight loss forum and I found that there is popular thread about ‘best weight loss supplement’, I can generate some blogpost ideas that will benefits the community such as:
  • Top 10 Best Weight Loss Supplements.
  • Don’t Buy Weight Loss Supplements Until You Read This Post.
If you don’t know where to find a forum or community sites that suit your niche, listen to Patric Chan’s advice:
“If you don’t visit forums regularly or you don’t know where to search for forums, you can go to www.big-boards.com. When you’re there you can search for your topic and see the treads from forums.”
#2 – OPA – Other People Articles
I remember one advice given by Stephen King, a best-seller author;
Stephen King - Best-selling Author
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.
In this case, if you want to burn out your writers block, then spend your time to read more articles. The more you read, the more you will understand your subject. Once you understand something deeper, there will be a lot of things that you want to share with your readers.
There is one place that recommended by Patric Chan for a start. You can go to Ezine Articles. This site contain thousands of articles from any range of subject.
Besides that, you can also become their regular contributor to gain authority and brand yourself as an expert in your niche.
Writing is all about doing research and presented it with your own style.

This Is Just A Beginning

This is not the ultimate solution to generate blogpost ideas. But these two tips can definitely help you today to eliminate your writing problem.
Go to forum and find a topic that people want to know. Or you can go read more articles on the Internet to find any topic that caught your attention.
Perhaps you want to get more advance technique to produce review type articles, then go and read this post.

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