الخميس، 25 يوليو 2013

CB Passive Income License Program

CB Passive Income License Program How do you start something new? If you want to start a specific program or task you must perform, or you want to start a new project or product, how will?
Beginning the art to start is the most frightening things for us is one more thing that can kill most of the tasks and Passive Income projects.
Procrastination caused cancel the beginning of everything, and your new adventure because to start with will depend very difficult.
How did you start?
When I started a CB Passive Income License Program blog do not have any idea about the way the beginning, how do I start? What do I do? Why do I write? Where do I start? Restocked? You on a tour of other blogs, and it was scary: Blogs do not have thousands of readers, but also hundreds of threads, design blogs very special, each blog has special, give a lot of services, providing books that create and other things, and I can not do any of them, I work two jobs and I have a wife and 6 children.
Who did is : randomly choose a name for my blog I felt that it was good, and then set up a free account on Blogger.
It was very easy and I felt happy when it was carried out.
Then you make another is writing a short blog post, anything that shows me to the world of blogging, simple paragraph about anything, it was very easy and did not feel scared him from the beginning.
Then you have everything done by the traders who bloggers, but I did only one thing and then followed up with something else.
Start task:
If you have read my blog post these you’ll know that reading is very easy, I gave you tips for reading so get rid of procrastination.
But you might say that reading the book much easier to apply, yes you are right, but if the application is made very easy so easy to do.
How important when you start dragging its feet and defer much, is it difficult?
Making it very easy solution, how?
First: Pick a task (ie, partial application) Small Is this difficult? Well do not worry randomly select the task to be easier.
Second: I found that you have chosen a difficult task, okay Make it easy, how?
Your application only for a minute, if this is difficult, applied for 20 seconds only, this is very easy.
Whatever the task if you start delay and procrastination Make it easier, the goal is to just start, if completed the 20-second follow-up liked proceed otherwise take a short break and wipe off the perspiration on your forehead after this work, then do it again for 20 seconds.
Start a new habit:
How to start a new habit?
Some people do not find any problem in starting a new habit, but their problem in their commitment, while others find it difficult to start something they wish to achieve for years!
You always want to start something from it as easy as possible, the beginning is the key commitment in a custom application.
If you do not start you will not be able to configure the habit at all.
So Make it as easy as you can. You want to rehearse? Wear your shoes quickly and get out of the house, just Train 5 minutes, that’s all you need.
What if I felt pleasure and I wanted to train more than 5 minutes? No you do not, why? Because you will not commit to this, the commitment will be much easier when they are usually short or small.
Try to exercise for 30 minutes every day for a while, then try it 5 minutes every day, you will be more committed, certainly easier.
If you want to commit a habit you have to start out very, very easy so as not to be scary and there is the possibility of failure, then you can increase the difficulty or duration gradually but never easily.
Start adventure new:
Now you’re ready to turn your energy and creativity to a new project, I do not mean here pursuant to a normal day, but I mean a new challenge pursuant to reach commercial fame to the ends of the earth.
But this is difficult and you have many concerns will not find the time to do so and will begin with fear and procrastination.
Solution: Start the simplest possible for a man to begin it, what is the simplest what can be accomplished in your business idea? Completed the simplest thing of it, what is the simplest product that can be offered? Start to provide the simplest product of it.
Think of a product or the work of doing something very simple, and then make it do something it simpler.
Start small as much as you can It will never fail to start, and the beginning is everything in this life.
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الثلاثاء، 23 يوليو 2013


First of all, I’d like to thank you again for choosing to support this launch! I really appreciate it.
If you want to read the details of the launch invitation again, just from here.
( Note Page is not fully ready)
It has been 5 years since I did a real launch, so I’m kinda “lost touch” with how a launch should look like nowadays. LOL So I thought of setting up the “old school” JV launch blog to post the latest updates for you.
I’m so excited to announce that 3 more top internet marketing Gurus will be joining us for the launch – Dave Guindon (he creates some of coolest software I’ve seen) Willie Crawford (a real veteran internet marketer) and Sean Clark (the guy behind ClickBetter).
Other Gurus include Matt Bacak, Ewen Chia, Gary Ambrose, Bryan Winters, Chris Carpenter, Mack Michaels, Brian Terry, Mike Steup, Anik Singal and Jimmy Kim, Michael Hamm, Paul Sethi, Frank Dang and many others.
Here’s how CB Passive Income License Program’s ecover looks like:
If you’ve registered early, you may have missed out the sales funnel graphic, here it is again:
By the way, the weirdest thing happen to us – I think my Clickbank Affiliate Manager has resigned and I can’t get in touch with an affiliate manager to request for $1 approval. If we can’t get it on time, we’ll need to go with $4.95 trial instead (a real bummer). Keeping my fingers crossed…
Stay tune, I’ll be posting more updates soon. For those who have requested for a review copy, please note that the member area is not completed yet – sorry for the inconvenience. But once it’s ready, we’ll be contacting you manually for you to access the CB Passive Income License Program.
If you have any question, please feel free to email digipro4u@gmail.com and we’ll get back to you ASAP! 
Take care,
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الاثنين، 22 يوليو 2013

More than 200 way to increase your income


Short, simple and useful
A very nice e-book offers you more than 200 chances to work on the Internet and collect a lot of profits
I loved this e-book
Favors Learn more about
From here
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The CB Passive Income License Program


A truly revolutionary business-in-a-box program that can generate a sustainable passive income for you!


Imagine if…
  •  You didn’t need to write or produce any content
  •  You didn’t need to create any membership program
  •  You didn’t need to create any products to sell
  •  You didn’t need to come up with your own free offer
  •  You didn’t need to write any sales letters
  •  You didn’t need to pay for hosting or an auto-responder
  •  You didn’t need to send emails at all
  •  You didn’t need to provide any customer service or follow up
  •  You didn’t need to research for what products or affiliate programs to promote
  •  You didn’t even need to learn internet marketing!
Heck, with this program, you don’t need to do anything except for one simple task!
When you choose to use the CB Passive Income license, you will get an exact clone of my proven, successful business with the potential to generate a passive income through it… and we’ll handle absolutely *everything* for you.
Before we go on further, I just want to make sure if this fits you well – this amazing system is ideal for you only if…
  •  You’re a newbie who’s looking for a real legitimate home business to make a part-time income wholly on auto-pilot
  •  You’re already an experienced marketer and know some internet marketing basics. Right now, you want to use the system to ADD ANOTHER INCOME STREAM to your current business to generate MORE passive income for you
  •  You’re an internet marketer who wants to leverage on my system because you’ve heard about my credibility that brings results to the table
Remember, earlier in this video, I mentioned that you’ll only need to focus on just one task?

So Here’s How It Works:

I’ve invested in and created a very unique software system that allows you to make money whilst using my valuable content and promotions. Basically, it generates a unique link (only available for you to use) where it’ll send them to a “secret web page”, inside they’ll get my highly valuable report for free.
And here’s the most exciting part – EACH TIME an email is sent to them from this system, it’ll have your unique affiliate link to the product that’s promoted in that email!
So technically, in essence, every single email that is sent will have the potential to make money for you!
And you don’t need to do any work at all, because I AM WORKING FOR YOU, for free.
It’s like having me create content for you, do all of the marketing for you and continue to think of ways how you can make even MORE money.
In short…
Keep in mind that this is true auto-pilot business that you can own, all that you need to do is to focus on one simple task:


The task is simple, just give away the free report and the membership through your unique link; you’re not even required to sell anything to anyone. Selling is no-no here. I’ll do the selling for you, I’ll be the “bad guy”.
The good news is, when you get the license, I’ll also train you HOW to promote your unique link effectively!
Once you’ve fully setup, you’ll be able to use my software to get yourself started and access all of my training material. *AND*… you’ll not be required to pay for any license fee, EVER. This is, by far, a very rare opportunity presented to you.
Although this is a true push button system, I want to make it clearer to you:
  • This is NOT Multi-Level Marketing at all. You will not be asked to email your friends, family and colleagues to promote new stuff to them. You will NOT be asked to recruit “other down lines” too or have any kind of complicated down line system. This is a business where you’ll earn commission on every single product bought by your customers, it is as simple as that. The difference is, I’ll do all of the work for you.
  • This is NOT an Internet Marketing “magic button”. This isn’t some software you install and merely click 3 buttons to make money. This is a fully-functioning, real internet business that can generate a sustainable passive income for you. The reason why it becomes “push button” easy for you is because we’re doing all of the work FOR YOU, mainly so that you can just focus on the one simple task.
  • This is NOT Affiliate Marketing in action. With affiliate marketing, you are paid once and once only for the product that you promote and have sold. After the first sale, the customer belongs directly to the business owner. Your license with us is drastically different, and is MUCH MORE profitable. The subscribers you bring in belong to you. You will make money off anything and everything that they purchase from when we email to them – as long as they stay subscribed to us.   
    If you want to know more Me a following email
  • digipro4u@gmail.com

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الأحد، 21 يوليو 2013

Patric Chan

To become a successful blogger or writer, content is a priority.
There are lots of bloggers who failed to keep their consistency in developing content in their blog. This problem also known as ‘writers block’.
They stuck, and they think they need more time to plan their next blogpost.
In one part, I do agree with this. Some writers need time to generate blogpost ideas. However, there is a way to overcome this problem without consuming too much time.
This is what I’m going to share with you. This idea comes from an e-book that I just read from Patric Chan.
Stop, who is he?

Patric Chan – Internationally-known Internet Marketing Expert

He is one of my idol in building Internet business empire. Patric Chan experienced in online marketing since 2003. He is also wrote some books that achieved best-seller status.
He is very popular on self-development niche. Where he cooperate with top people in the industries and produce lots of information products (e-book, online course, and many more) that has changed people lives.
Patric also have his own personal blog. You can learn Internet marketing from him here.
Most importantly, he lives in Malaysia.
In his latest free e-book called ‘How to Get Blog Readers’, he presented lots of good ideas for bloggers who really want to solve their writers block problem. I’m going to share it with you.
Let’s get on it.
#1 – Go to Community Sites
Also known as forums.
Forums is a good place for you to find blogpost ideas. Because there are a lots of question asked by the community. You can use it to write your next blogpost.
For example, if I visit weight loss forum and I found that there is popular thread about ‘best weight loss supplement’, I can generate some blogpost ideas that will benefits the community such as:
  • Top 10 Best Weight Loss Supplements.
  • Don’t Buy Weight Loss Supplements Until You Read This Post.
If you don’t know where to find a forum or community sites that suit your niche, listen to Patric Chan’s advice:
“If you don’t visit forums regularly or you don’t know where to search for forums, you can go to www.big-boards.com. When you’re there you can search for your topic and see the treads from forums.”
#2 – OPA – Other People Articles
I remember one advice given by Stephen King, a best-seller author;
Stephen King - Best-selling Author
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.
In this case, if you want to burn out your writers block, then spend your time to read more articles. The more you read, the more you will understand your subject. Once you understand something deeper, there will be a lot of things that you want to share with your readers.
There is one place that recommended by Patric Chan for a start. You can go to Ezine Articles. This site contain thousands of articles from any range of subject.
Besides that, you can also become their regular contributor to gain authority and brand yourself as an expert in your niche.
Writing is all about doing research and presented it with your own style.

This Is Just A Beginning

This is not the ultimate solution to generate blogpost ideas. But these two tips can definitely help you today to eliminate your writing problem.
Go to forum and find a topic that people want to know. Or you can go read more articles on the Internet to find any topic that caught your attention.
Perhaps you want to get more advance technique to produce review type articles, then go and read this post.
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Who has not dreamed of owning his own business!
Who has not dreamed of owning a family, a car and a luxury house!
Yes, we all want
But low-income jobs do not allow us
Soon ..
The oldest you a golden opportunity between your hands to check all your dream with the electronic courses and courses strongest on the internet which offer you personal months in the world of network marketing Patric Chan
You can be sure of the credibility of this person
Yes, do not hesitate to
Follow us on our blog to be the first joint venture for our innovative program, which will be put on Aug. 2

CB Passive Income License Program

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